Climate change is the most important problem the world is facing today
As of 2021, Wetterbest has implemented the Planet Passionate program, which aims to reduce the footprint of CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere, the integration of renewable energy resources and our involvement in the community through special projects.
- 40% of the electricity consumption to be generated directly in the factory starting with 2023 through the installed solar power plants.
- Planting over 10.000 seedlings by 2030 in order to reduce carbon emissions from the atmosphere.
- All company cars should be zero emissions by 2030.
- 50% of new car purchases for the car park to be electric cars by 2025.
- Zero recyclable waste of the company in the landfill by 2025.
- Zero waste of the company in the landfill by 2025.
- 1 million liters of rainwater recycled annually.
- Reducing water consumption from the network by 80% by 2023.
- 100% internally generated water consumption starting with 2025.
- 1 milion de litri de apă pluvială reciclați, în 2022
- Creșterea utilizării energiei regenerabile din surse proprii la 60%, până în 2025, prin instalarea unei noi centrale fotovoltaice
- 100% autoturisme cu emisii zero, până în 2030
- Peste 10.000 de puieți plantați, până în 2030
„Wetterbest helps us significantly in our efforts of providing better working conditions for mountain rescuers, of being able to be more efficient in helping tourists and in order for the mountain rescue activity to be truly carried out at height.”
prof. Sabin Cornoiu
President of the National Association of Mountain Rescuers in Romania
“We are glad to discover that the Wetterbest team is supporting our cause. Involvement through this partnership helps us to continue giving the animals in our care a chance at a decent life. The companies that respect nature and animals are those that deserve our respect.”
Cristina Lapis
AMP President
“The happiest moment is not at the top. The happiest moments are on the mountain. I’m glad there are companies that appreciate the mountain and support performance. Thank you Wetterbest.”
Horia Colibașanu,
first romanian to conquer the Kangchenjunga peak in the Himalayas